Saturday, July 23, 2011

Using game theory to analyze wireless ad hoc networks

Vivek Srivastava, James Neel, Allen B. MacKenzie, Rekha Menon, Luiz A. DaSilva, James E. Hicks, Jeffrey H. Reed and Robert P. Gilles

Abstract: The application of mathematical analysis to the study of wireless ad hoc networks has met with limited success due to the complexity of mobility and traffic models, the dynamic topology, and the unpredictability of link quality that characterize such networks. The ability to model individual, independent decision makers whose actions potentially affect all other decision makers renders game theory particularly attractive to analyze the performance of ad hoc networks. In this article we describe how various interactions in wireless ad hoc networks can be modeled as a game. This allows the analysis of existing protocols and resource management schemes, as well as the design of equilibrium-inducing mechanisms that provide incentives for individual users to behave in socially-constructive ways. We survey the recent literature on game theoretic analysis of ad hoc networks, highlighting its applicability to power control and waveform adaptation, medium access control, routing, and node participation, among others.

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